Consulting Services
I believe in a hands on approach, targeting the specific needs of the organization. I treat each client as if I’m a shareholder - my goal is to show you how you can achieve greatness!
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So what does Rita offer?
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Organization design, implementation and integration
Setting up a new team, new department, or new company can be daunting. Policies, procedures, roles, responsibilities, and cross-functional integration are among the items to be considered when creating and integrating a new function. I can provide support onsite until the team is fully integrated and operating at an efficient level.
Growth strategies and market analysis
A thorough review of the products and customers can help an organization to streamline how it approaches its target audience. This detailed review will result in specific ways for the marketing and sales teams to improve their performance
Strategic advising
We can’t always see what’s right in front of us. An advisor can synthesize all of the data, anecdotes, and benchmarks to create strategic paths for improved performance and efficiency.
Cross-market Challenges
Global business integration is a norm in today’s world, but it can be a challenge to navigate. Having worked internationally for over 20 years and lived abroad for 10, I support companies and individuals navigating the cultural and operational challenges of working across borders.
Entrepreneurial Consulting
A typical start up is moving fast, on a tight budget, and with as few resources as possible, to launch an amazing idea. A savvy business performance consultant can guide the next steps, offer insights, perspectives, and actions that might not have been considered by those too close to the business.
CEO Whispering
It’s important for a leader to have someone to talk to about her strategic vision, organization change ideas, and challenges she is facing. When faced with those tough decisions, a leader needs a confidant who can challenge her idea, present alternatives, and share her passion for finding the best solution without a hidden agenda.
Purchasing strategies
After 20 years in corporate purchasing, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. From localization strategies to volume-based price reductions, I work with clients to create long term strategic sourcing solutions that lower costs and increase overall value.
Change Management
Sometimes the team onsite just doesn’t have the time, the skill, or the resources to deliver the changes needed to move the business forward. In those cases, a consultant can work behind the scenes to manage and implement the improvements.