Most of us go for physicals every year. We visit the dental hygienist every 6 months, change the oil in our cars every 6000 miles, and clean our closets in the spring. We delete our computer cookies whenever things start to get sluggish, and we upgrade technology when circumstances warrant.

We take time to do the upgrades and maintenance we need on our cars, our bodies, and our homes. But when was the last time you took the time to check the health and efficiency of your company? When did you last make sure that the work of your team is aligned with the vision, mission, and priorities of the company? Does your company even have current and relevant strategic priorities?
Are your teams actually doing the work they should be doing?
So often, I meet with company leaders who tell me their team isn’t capable and isn’t doing enough. Or I see how the leader can’t get strategic because he is too busy doing tactical work. And just as often, it takes just a few questions to start understanding where the gaps and opportunities are.
Recently, I worked with a small, uber-successful company with very hands-on owners who oversee 5 major revenue streams. During our efficiency workshop, I asked the five account teams to create process flows showing every step needed from the time a customer order came in, until the time a shipment was made. On average, the order cycle time was about 2 weeks start to finish. And during that 2-week period, over 50 steps were needed, and the owner of the company “touched” the process no less than 19 times. NINETEEN decisions raised to an owner’s level. The picture told the owners what they needed to know.
Within the week, the touchpoints were reduced by 70%. The team was empowered, the owners freed to be strategic, and the process efficiency improved by an average of 2 days.
The power of a health check – it can really improve your circulation!